
Hi, I’m Mark and I’d like to welcome you to my blog site. Towards the end of 2007 I was diagnosed with one of the cruellest diseases known to mankind – Motor Neurone Disease. Three months later I decided to start up a blog to document my journey so that:

Your friendly blogger!

  1. my family and friends are kept informed of my current progress
  2. to raise awareness of this little understood disease
  3. to open up the experiences to a wider audience. It is my hope that it may prove beneficial and informative to those on a similar journey to myself
  4. to help those who wish to learn more about this devastating disease in a real-world situation
  5. to show that it is still possible to do things and be creative, to still have the ability to express myself, and that extensive disability doesn’t mean the end of living, just a challenge to be overcome!

In addition to the blog itself you will find links to a variety of resources such as: Research breakthroughs, human interest stories, useful equipment and software, and related blogs. There’s even an audio blog!

Thank you for sparing the time to look around. I hope you find your stay interesting and informative, and if you like what you see perhaps you would be kind enough to sign my guestbook!

Family Notice – 3rd September 2011

On 30th August 2011, our beloved Mark passed away peacefully at home after his long battle against MND.

We thank everyone for the kind words they have left on Mark’s blog over the years and we remain committed to ensure this site remains live as a memorial to a very brave and much loved and missed person. If you would like to leave a message, please sign the guestbook.